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Thursday, 12 April 2018

If you understand this article, then your hair fall will stop completely.


 The old adage, ‘gorgeous hair is the best revenge’, is truer than true, for losing hair can be demoralizing and frustrating. Everyone loses hair. On an average, we see hair loss from losing hundred to one hundred fifty strands a day. That's just hair going through its cycles, and there will be a new one to replace it. But for some, excessive hair loss or shedding can be a problem. Everyday activities such as brushing your hair, going outside dust area , removing a ponytail, or use chemical shampoo through washing your hair  and conditioning your hair are also a part of daily hair loss, which is embarrassing for all of us.

We suggest you follow and adapt these top 5 tips for hair fall control in your daily routine-

1. Be kind to your hair - Use Comb slow

Tying it tightly, brushing and combing wet hair only weakens the roots and leads to hair loss. For hair fall control, comb your hair only when in semi-dry or fully dried state, that too using a wide-toothed comb. Don't towel-dry your hair in a rush or by rubbing it too hard. Gently skim the towel throughout. 

2. Must you Eat the right food for hair fall control

A healthy, balanced diet is the key to everything, including healthy hair. A diet that is not high enough in iron or protein can lead to hair loss. Those with eating disorders and those who crash diet often experience hair loss. If poor diet is your issue, you can usually reverse hair loss by balancing your food intake. Good sources of protein include meat, eggs, fish, nuts, beans, dates and seeds; add iron to your diet with foods like lentils, green foods like spinach , carrots and other veggies.

3. Avoid using multiple treatments on your hair

When a salon treatment doesn’t work, you try medicines, and even when that fails you try dadi-maa ke nuskhe. You put yogurt,onion ,  neem and homemade hair oil that smell like a dead man’s armpit sweat. Basically, you are ready to try anything to get good hair. All you need to do is know your ‘hair’ - what kind of shampoo, conditioner or oil you should use depending on your hair type.

4. No matter how much you like hot water during winters, don’t use it for hair

Don’t wash your hair with hot water as it causes dehydration and turns your hair brittle. It is preferable to wash your hair with lukewarm to cold water twice a week for dry hair and thrice a week for normal hair.

5. Happiness is the key to get good hair

If you are experiencing a traumatic event, like a break-up or family problem, you might find it difficult to get control over your hair loss problem. The condition is called as Telogen effluvium. But the good thing to deal with this type of hair loss is that your hair will grow back normally once stress is reduced. always be happy .Take care.

Besides these daily routine matters, there are plenty of reasons which cause hair loss like dandruff, anemia, stress, medications and infection of the scalp like alopecia areta. These conditions are hard to identify by oneself doing regular day-stuffs. Therefore, it is always advisable to address excessive hair loss as a medical condition - evaluated and treated by a trichologist.

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