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Tuesday, 17 April 2018

If you understood this article, nobody can stop you from achieving success.

    "Success" is a term that starts listening to or reading a positive energy inside each person. The person who thinks about success, the desire to get success is awakened. Every person in the world ever thinks about success sometimes or not.
But thinking about success, every person in the world has the same question that -

How can success be achieved in life?
To know the answer to this question, someone reads inspirational books, searches on some inspirational blogs or websites, then joins a motivational seminar.

Different people try to know the answer to this question in different ways. To find out the answer to this question, now a days, the simplest and cheapest method is to read a good motivational blog.
Friends! Keeping this in mind, today I am going to tell you a way to get success which most successful people use.

Whenever a person came to the question that how can success be achieved? So he has 2 ways to know this answer-

1. The first is that they follow the successful ones. Walk on the path of success on the path on which a successful person has succeeded and has achieved success.
2. The second way is that from the failed people, how did the failed person fail? Know about the way on which the person failed.

Many people follow the first path, but according to me, the other way can be achieved easily even if the other method is used.

Once a failed person approaches a successful person. The special thing of this successful person was that he used to get success in whatever he used to do.
The unsuccessful person asked him, "What is the secret of your success? Because I want to be successful too. "
Successful person smiled a little and said, "I have learned to be successful only by the unsuitable ones."
The unsuccessful person got into a bit of thinking that can anyone learn to be successful even with the unsuccessful?
He said, "I did not understand your point, please make your point clear."

Then the successful person replied with a smiling, "It is true that I have learned to be successful only by the failed people. This is a way to succeed, which many successful people like me use. "
Then the unsuccessful person said, "Can people learn from success also about success?"
The successful person said, "Yes, it can be learned."
The unsuccessful person said, "But how ???"
Then the successful person asked him, "First tell me why did you fail?"
The unsuccessful person said, "I was a rich person first. To succeed, I opened a company in which I invested a lot of money. I wanted to succeed very quickly. That's why I opened a second company in the same year in which I put my remaining money into it. I hastened to open two companies and I could not give any time to any of my company.

In a short time the two companies started running in losses. I could also convert losses from both the companies to Profit, but I did not have the money left to fulfill that loss. Gradually the loss of the company went up and my two companies closed the second year. Today I am an unsuccessful person.

Now the successful person smiled and said, "There were two reasons for your failure- First, you opened two companies in one year, so that you could not spend any time with any one company. Secondly, you put all your money into your companies and when you got a loss, you have a no money to recover from it. Do not save. .......... Do you agree with my things ? 

The unsuccessful person said, "Yes you are right and I agree with your words."
"What did you learn from your failure?" successful person ask 
The unsuccessful person said, "I could learn from my failure, if I were successful I would learn a lot. My luck was bad. "
The successful person said, "You have not learned anything from your own failure, so you are still unsuccessful. But I am a successful person today by learning from the failures of the failed people. I learn from mistakes made by unsuccessful people and do not let those mistakes happen in my life. This is the secret of my success. "
Now the unsuccessful person got the answer to his question.

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